No Tour for Paris

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 Baz P 06 Jun 2024

I see that the Tour finishes in Nice this year and not Paris which I think is a first. Anyone know of a reason for this or is it just change?

 scooba2cv 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Baz P:

Olympics clash? 

 Kalna_kaza 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Baz P:

The Olympics games are in Paris this summer.

 r0b 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Baz P:

Olympics in Paris

OP Baz P 06 Jun 2024
In reply to scooba2cv:

Thanks for that everyone. Not really following the Olympic dates but looking forward to my annual three week bike ride while drinking tea.  

In reply to Baz P:

Because it's Nicer

 Dave B 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Wide_Mouth_Frog:

Or perhaps you could rephrase as,

'Paris is less Nice'.

 PeakTrekker 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Baz P:

Glad you're looking forward to your annual bike ride trip! The Olympics will be keeping Paris busy this July/August so they shifted the Tour de France finish to Nice instead of the usual finale in Paris.

 ianstevens 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Baz P:

Widely circulated in the cycling media over a year ago, it’s because of the Olympics.

The tour has finished outside Paris more than it’s finished in it IIRC. Just not for quite a while.

 GrahamD 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Baz P:

A TT to finish as well.  GC racing right to the end.

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