Most exaggerated claim in the history of exaggerated claims

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Found this while trundling around the internet the other night- a bit more googling confirmed that the Tour of Qinghai Lake is a real thing, and indeed Quinghai Lake looks pretty spectacular, but….

But the lake is also well known for the world’s 4th most famous professional cycling race, called the “Tour of Qinghai Lake”, held every year in July (surpassed only by the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, and Vuelta a Espana in the road race world).

I think Paris-Roubaix, and Milan-San Remo might have something to say about that…

In football terms, I think that would be like suggesting that, after the World Cup and the Champions’ League, the Scottish Challenge Cup is the 3rd most famous professional football tournament…

Any other examples of absurd over-claiming out there…?

 CantClimbTom 26 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

Bourton-on-the-water is the Venice of the Cotswolds 

 The Norris 26 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

I guess if a small percentage of China watches it, its probably been watched by more people than watch some of the other big tours? 

Post edited at 19:50
In reply to CantClimbTom:

Yes- just like Venice! 😂

That one’s from the same stable as Roseberry Topping being the Matterhorn of England…

 daftdazza 26 May 2024
In reply to The Norris:

It's not even the biggest cycle race in China, but basically a mediocre tour attended by only a few low level pro teams for the appearance fee.  The biggest race in China the  Gree-Tour of Guangxi is also viewed as a punishment race at end of season, teams sending riders who have not done well over the season to make up the numbers.

 Hooo 26 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

I've been getting a bunch of Everest stuff popping up in my news feed, and saw one picture entitled something like "achieving the impossible", as far as I can tell without irony, when a more accurate caption would have been "waiting for a long queue of people to get on with achieving the impossible so that I can have my turn to achieve the impossible".

 FactorXXX 27 May 2024
In reply to Hooo:

> I've been getting a bunch of Everest stuff popping up in my news feed, and saw one picture entitled something like "achieving the impossible", as far as I can tell without irony, when a more accurate caption would have been "waiting for a long queue of people to get on with achieving the impossible so that I can have my turn to achieve the impossible".

Wouldn't an even more accurate description be: "waiting for a long queue of people to get on with achieving the possible so that I can have my turn to achieve the possible".

 LastBoyScout 27 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

Prett much anything that claims "the leading"...

 flatlandrich 27 May 2024
In reply to LastBoyScout:

Pretty much all claims nowadays. Particularly if it's online and going to generate money/views/likes/followers.

 birdie num num 27 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

Did you know that Kim Jong-il scored eleven holes in one during his first ever go at playing the game?

He did it at Pyongyang golf club. No other player, professional or otherwise has ever surpassed this remarkable sporting achievement. And it's doubtful that anyone ever will.

 muppetfilter 27 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

> That one’s from the same stable as Roseberry Topping being the Matterhorn of England…

The Smoggy Shat-er-Horn , often ascended by local Riggers and Scaffolders with Turkey Teeth and Dodgy hair Implants frequently sherpa-ed by Ower Lass with a carrier bag containing 2L of full fat Coke and a Multipack of Quavers

 ripper 28 May 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

> Did you know that Kim Jong-il scored eleven holes in one during his first ever go at playing the game?

> He did it at Pyongyang golf club. No other player, professional or otherwise has ever surpassed this remarkable sporting achievement. And it's doubtful that anyone ever will.

I believe Trump holds the course record for at least one of his golf clubs

 LastBoyScout 28 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

I'd like to also offer:

  • "the online game all your friends are playing"
  • "The show/film/event everyone is talking about"
 McHeath 28 May 2024
In reply to birdie num num:

> Did you know that Kim Jong-il scored eleven holes in one during his first ever go at playing the game?

Bet he was only playing 9 holes as well

 C Rettiw 28 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

The UK remains a significant leader on the world stage, upholding a rules-based order and the importance of human rights.

In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

> Any other examples of absurd over-claiming out there…?

6 inches... 

In reply to birdie num num:

> Did you know that Kim Jong-il scored eleven holes in one during his first ever go at playing the game?

> He did it at Pyongyang golf club. No other player, professional or otherwise has ever surpassed this remarkable sporting achievement. And it's doubtful that anyone ever will.

Only eleven?

 FactorXXX 28 May 2024
In reply to Wide_Mouth_Frog:

> 6 inches... 

I've got a 12 incher, but as a rule, I don't talk about it.

 birdie num num 28 May 2024
In reply to DubyaJamesDubya:

Yes. He eagled the rest. Got round in 25. Forty seven under par.

In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

Not quite the same thing, but I remembered another absurd comparison- Haworth, near Keighley in West Yorkshire, is twinned with Machu Picchu. That’s like being twinned with Pompeii. Or the Pyramids. 

According to this, it’s because they’ve both got a steam railway. And they’re both near a valley.

 damowilk 28 May 2024
In reply to no_more_scotch_eggs:

> Not quite the same thing, but I remembered another absurd comparison- Haworth, near Keighley in West Yorkshire, is twinned with Machu Picchu. That’s like being twinned with Pompeii. Or the Pyramids. 


> According to this, it’s because they’ve both got a steam railway. And they’re both near a valley.  

And not because the councillors are angling for a paid trip there?

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