Fred Whitton this weekend

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 bigbobbyking 10 May 2024

A warning to anyone driving around the lakes this Sunday: the Fred Whitton sportive is on so there'll be a lot of cyclists around, and the Hardnose/Wryknott road is closed. Route is here:

Anyone else riding it? Looks like it is going to be cracking weather: very excited!

 Uluru 10 May 2024
In reply to bigbobbyking:

Good luck the weather looks lovely.

 monkey man 10 May 2024
In reply to bigbobbyking:

There too, should be great!

 Mark Eddy 10 May 2024
In reply to bigbobbyking:

Good luck. I'll probs ride up The Struggle to Kirkstone to watch some of the action.

Been a scorcher here today, we were climbing up on Cold Pike and got too hot!!

Fingers crossed the storm gets delayed: - or things could get messy

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