Aero bars for gravel bike

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 supersteve 27 Jun 2024

I'm struggling to find some aero bars to fit to my gravel bike for some planned long rides / races. Being slightly oblong in shape they don't suit standard brackets. Any suggestions? 

 LastBoyScout 27 Jun 2024
In reply to supersteve:

It's a faff, but change the bars to something that will take the aero bars you want?

OP supersteve 27 Jun 2024
In reply to LastBoyScout:

Was hoping to avoid that. I did manage to retro fit some for my last race but it was not ideal so assume there must be something out there that is suitable. Even if the clamps are larger I can pad them out. 

 chiroshi 27 Jun 2024
In reply to supersteve:

Unfortunately your best option is changing the bars. Unless you are very lucky and the manufacturer of your bike / handlebar have made oval clamps which specifically match your handlebars. 

Don't risk a bodge here, if it fails, you will lose control of the bike and there is very little between your face and the floor.

Profile designs make some decent value bars that have an extended centre section where you can safely clamp aero extensions, but still a nice comfy oval sections where you rest your hands. I had to do a similar swap on my wife's bike recently and this was the best I found at the low budget end.

 Robbo1 27 Jun 2024
In reply to supersteve:

It is really annoying that there aren't better options on the market...One option that might work for you is to get a Fred Bar: I haven't tried it, as I bought a curve walmer bikepacking bar that has a longer clamping area instead, but it was on the list of things to consider.

OP supersteve 27 Jun 2024
In reply to Robbo1:

That looks like it might solve my problem. I'm not going aero for speed, more for relaxation and distance covering. Thanks. 

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