Climbers Honoured in New Year List

© Gordon Stainforth
Joe Brown repeating The Right Unconquerable, Stanage, 47 years after making the first ascent, belayed by Claude Davies  © Gordon Stainforth
Joe Brown repeating The Right Unconquerable, Stanage, 47 years after making the first ascent, belayed by Claude Davies
© Gordon Stainforth, Sep 1996
Legendary climber Joe Brown and long-term mountain rescuer Mo Richards have both been appointed awards in the New Year Honours list.

Brown, the eighty year-old Llanberis resident, received a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire), which he adds to a previous MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire).

Joe Brown is perhaps the most famous and prolific climber that has ever come out of the UK. He was a driving force behind the post war rise in climbing standards and popularity and is the author of many of the UK's most famous rock routes including Cenotaph Corner on Dinas Cromlech, Llanberis and Right Unconquerable at Stanage Edge in the Peak District.

Brown also operated in the greater ranges, and made history with climbing partner George Band when they grabbed the only British first ascent of an 8000m peak with their ascent of Kanchenjunga in 1955.

Joe, commenting on the BBC Website, said:

"Receiving the CBE is so strange, because it's like I'm being awarded for enjoying myself.

I have never lacked enthusiasm, and I surprise even myself at how much I love my sport.

It's that spirit of adventure which has taken me all over the world."

Mo Richards of the Langdale/Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team (LAMRT) has been awarded an MBE for her services to mountain rescue. Richards has been involved with the rescue team since 1970 but joined the team officially in 1973.

The rescue team were 'delighted' by the award and Nick Owen, leader of the Langdale and Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team commented on the Grough Website:

“Mo has been on hundreds of rescues, helped save many lives, spent countless hours in the rain, many more grafting behind the scenes. She is an inspiration to us all.”



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6 Jan, 2011
What's he ever done on grit..?
8 Jan, 2011
"Brown also operated in the greater ranges, and made history with climbing partner George Band when they grabbed the only British first ascent of an 8000m peak with their ascent of Kanchenjunga in 1955." Jack, I have no greater ranges experience and I am not up with the terminology so could you tell me how anyone could ever do another British first ascent of Kachenjunga given that you state that theirs was the only one?
8 Jan, 2011
The only first ascent by a british person..... Of an 8000m peak. All the other 13 8000m peaks were not first ascended by brits.
8 Jan, 2011
I see. Thanks very much.
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