Limb Valley, the Roman Road and Burbage Valley Trail runningWalking

An easily accessible route from inside Sheffield which takes in mature woodland, barren moorland and the mighty gritstone outcrops in the Burbage Valley. The route can be extended and reached from many Sheffield front doors, making it lockdown-friendly.

The view from Burbage Bridge before the trees were felled. © Nick Brown - UKC  © Nick Brown - UKC
The view from Burbage Bridge before the trees were felled. © Nick Brown - UKC
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Detailed description

SK3107482677 This walk starts at the bottom of Limb Valley but many people in the south and west of Sheffield will be able to walk from their doors by adding an extra few miles.Walk up the path from Ecclesall Road South with Limb Brook on your left.
A small lump of gritstone marks the start of Limb Valley  © Nick Brown - UKC
A small lump of gritstone marks the start of Limb Valley
© Nick Brown - UKC
Continue along the gentle climb with steep slopes to the right where giant trees loom over you.
Trees looming over the Limb Valley  © Nick Brown - UKC
Trees looming over the Limb Valley
© Nick Brown - UKC
Cross through farmland on an enclosed path until you reach Sheephill Road. From here, Houndkirk Road.

SK2901383464 Houndkirk Road is popular with walkers, runners and mountain bikers who use the track as a means of linking other routes together. It's often referred to as the Roman Road, but the jury's still out on that - although it was used as a cattle drover's route before it was turned into a turnpike in the 18th century. Continue along Houndkirk Road with occasional sights of Totley to the south-east and Burbage Moor to north-west.
A wind swept tree on Burbage Moor  © Nick Brown - UKC
A wind swept tree on Burbage Moor
© Nick Brown - UKC

SK2766581652 At a signpost, head west along a moorland path into Burbage Valley.

SK2706481512 At a crossroad of paths, take the one heading north along the top of the Burbage North gritstone outcrop. Take in views of Burbage to the west and beyond to the distinctive Mother Cap, above Hathersage. Once you meet the road at the northerly tip of the valley, continue on the path underneath the road, crossing two brooks.

SK2604182987 Head over the gritstone outcrop of Burbage West, along a decent flat path and up a short, sharp hill to Higgar Tor.
From the top of Higgar Tor looking into the Hope Valley  © Nick Brown - UKC
From the top of Higgar Tor looking into the Hope Valley
© Nick Brown - UKC

SK2571082092 Cross the often boggy plateau of Higgar Tor on its eastern side.

SK2573381896 Scramble down through the rocky avenues and romp down the hill in the direction of Carl Wark.

SK2583481566 Before reaching Carl Wark, take the eastern path heading downhill. Choose your path carefully or else be consumed by the bog! At the bottom of the hill cross over a beautiful stone bridge and join the short forestry track up to the main path.

SK2659581310 Join the main track for a few hundred metres.

SK2670581408 After the short interlude of the main track, head up the hill towards the same crossroads at the start of the Burbage section.From here, retrace your steps to the start of the walk.
The nearby Ecclesall Woods is often a colourful continuation of the route  © Nick Brown - UKC
The nearby Ecclesall Woods is often a colourful continuation of the route
© Nick Brown - UKC

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by Nick Brown UKC

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