The Scottish border ridge from Upper Coquetdale Walking

This great walk makes the most of the stunning scenery in the Upper Coquetdale in the southwest corner of the Cheviots. It takes you up one side of a long valley to the Pennine Way high up on the border ridge, which leads over the summit of Windy Gyle and then loops back on the other side. There are great views of the distant Cheviot peak and east towards the coast.

The summit of Cheviot in the background on the section along the Scottish border.  © Alan James
The summit of Cheviot in the background on the section along the Scottish border.
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Detailed description

NT8677310404 Cross the river and head on the good track up the side of the valley.

NT8737311447 Most follow the track on this section rather than the footpath marked on the map, which takes a higher line.

NT8734012489 This section is active forestry, hence the tracks can change. Currently (2018) this is open so it is likely to be replanted, however it will be years before it is fully grown trees again.

NT8749913765 Reach a big junction point with paths going in several directions. There is an option to do a lovely shorter walk from here by heading west and picking up the path on the other side of the valley.
The Pennine Way section is flagged-stoned.  © Alan James
The Pennine Way section is flagged-stoned.
© Alan James, Dec 2018

NT8712816015 After a long level section of (wet) moorland you reach the flagged path of the Pennine Way at the border.

NT8556315188 Follow the Pennine Way for a short distance over Windy Gyle until you can pick up a track leading back to the south. This is the start of a beautiful descent into the Upper Coquet.
On the Pennine Way with Cheviot in the background  © Alan James
On the Pennine Way with Cheviot in the background
© Alan James, Dec 2018

NT8664511772 The path gets a bit vague on the slopes of Barrow Law. Keep east of the summit (unless you want the tick) and skirt the side until you can find the wider track which leads back to the start.

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Further Routes

by Alan James - Rockfax

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