She Climbs - 4 February, Mile End Climbing Wall

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We are excited to be able to announce a new event for the women's climbing community, taking place on Friday 4 February. She Climbs will feature an all-women routesetting team, including Emma Twyford, Gracie Martin, Imi Bagnall-Smith and Ros Beveridge.

All four setters will be tackling the legendary Mile End Comp Wall, which we hope will be an opportunity to set, climb and share knowledge – as well as bringing a different vibe to the Comp Wall.

From 6 – 8pm, we'll have informal workshops with beta and tips from some of the setters. We hope the event will be a social and welcoming space where you can meet other women, learn some new tricks and try some fun competition boulders.

Spaces are limited, but you can reserve your place for free on our website. You'll need to pay your usual climbing entry on the door (or get in for free with a monthly/annual pass if you have one).

*We welcome everyone who identifies as female or non-binary to take part.*

Watch this space, as we hope this is the first of many.


Book your place

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