Bob Graham Round: 5 Honister to Keswick Trail running

The easiest of the legs of the Bob Graham Round with half the distance being on roads.
There is much debate about which is the better direction to attempt the Bob Graham Round. Is it preferable to get the six miles of road in the bag early on or keep it for tired legs? In the 1980s most went anti-clockwise and so did the road section first but these days most go clockwise and leave it till the end. Dropping down off Robinson and out of the cloud the lights of Keswick begin to draw you like a moth to the flame. There is the surety of not having boulders to trip over or bogs to fall in to. If you are quick about it, the chippy and pubs will still be open though negotiating drunks has its own risks. Spare a thought for those contenders whose allotted 24 hours expires in Portinscale or at the bridge over the River Greta, so, so close.

Approaching Dale Head on a summer(!) Bob Graham Round  © Bob
Approaching Dale Head on a summer(!) Bob Graham Round
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NY2258613547 Take the path by the fence that leads northwards. As the fence is left behind the path becomes better defined and leads directly to the cairn of Dale Head. On a clear day you can see much of the route from here, only the Wasdale fells being hidden by the bulk of Great Gable. Follow the path westwards along the ridge before dropping down to a flat area. Take the path leading to the right and soon the summit of Hindscarth is reached.

NY2153616515 Return the way you came but after about 200m cut down to the right to pick up a path that leads directly to the col below Robinson. Now follow the main path to the summit. From the summit head NW (don't go too far left as the ridge is bounded by very steep ground). The path is surprisingly indistinct at first but soon becomes more prominent as the ridge narrows. Eventually the ridge steepens and there is a series of three (easy) rock steps to negotiate before a small col is reached.

NY2139117853 From the col there are two options: 1. Continue along the grassy ridge to High Snab Bank and then drop down to the lane leading to Newlands Church. 2. Drop down to Scope Beck and follow the track in the valley bottom to gain the lane leading to the church. There's no real difference in time or effort. Once on the road, follow it through Little Town and Stair to Portinscale.

NY2526423619 In Portinscale take the footbridge over the Derwent then after about 300m take the footpath leading through the fields towards Keswick. The path joins the main road by the bridge over the Greta, turn right and fight through the crowds to reach the Moot Hall.

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