Baosbheinn Walking

A distinctive multi-topped massif in the wild country between Torridon and Loch Maree, Baosbheinn is one of the most charismatic hills in an area not known for mediocrity. If it made Munro height there's no doubt it would be better known and heavily trodden, but though it has to rate among the greatest of the Corbetts, with an impressive Torridonian character and expansive views, it seems unlikely ever to be busy. Baosbheinn can be combined in a long circuit with neighbouring Beinn an Eoin, or even a massive Corbett triple-header yoking in Beinn Dearg too; but the shorter route described here offers a good flavour of the hill with less commitment.

The main summit of Baosbheinn, and the distant Torridon peaks, form the northwest end of the ridge  © Dan Bailey -
The main summit of Baosbheinn, and the distant Torridon peaks, form the northwest end of the ridge
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NG8566172096 Cross the road, then go over a footbridge to enter the Bad an Sgalaig Native Pinewood, a huge area of regenerating woodland in which the Gairloch estate has planted over one million trees. Stay with the track for about 3km, climbing through the young, open woodland with views of the Stone Valley crags. Just after passing over a vague shoulder, look out for a track junction.

NG8724370019 Take the right fork, following the rough track on a wiggly downhill course towards the flat area of Garbh Choire. The track soon dwindles to a footpath, heading west along the edge of boggy ground to reach a bridge over the Abhainn a' Garbh Choire (not marked on all maps). Continue roughly south over boggy ground and then pick up vague hints of path uphill to a deer fence: there is no obvious gate, so climb this with care (look for a sturdy corner post).

NG8672169092 Follow your nose quite steeply uphill, weaving around outcrops, to reach easier angled slopes above, with large areas of exposed rock. Make a beeline for the terminal nose of Creag an Fhithich. Just to the left of these rotten crags, a very steep grassy slope can be climbed by a rising traverse rightwards to reach the airy crest above. The ridge then leads, with some exposure but no difficulty, to the broad top of Creag an Fhithich.
Distant Trotternish from Creag an Fhithich  © Dan Bailey -
Distant Trotternish from Creag an Fhithich
© Dan Bailey -, Apr 2021

NG8573567436 Perched on the edge of the steep northwest face, caused by a huge post-glacial landslip, the northern end of Baosbheinn offers uninterrupted sea views. Follow the broad, largely grassy crest east-southeast over a minor top to reach a higher, better-defined summit (801m). A very gentle grassy descent south-southeast now leads to a point where the ridge narrows dramatically, before rearing up into an intimidating steep peak with a sheer western face.
The northwest ridge has an airy feel and some light scrambling, but nothing too taxing  © Dan Bailey -
The northwest ridge has an airy feel and some light scrambling, but nothing too taxing
© Dan Bailey -, Apr 2021

NG8665665944 From the short level arete, tackle the steep peak direct, following obvious signs of wear. After an initial easy scramble it's possible to gain a traverse path on the left flank, but the direct ascent to the summit proves easier than it looks. Descend from this rocky summit to a small col (where the traverse path rejoins the fray), then climb direct over another little scrambly peak before the final ascent to Baosbheinn's flat-topped summit.

NG8704165416 Return to the col just northwest of the summit, then cut right on a well-used path that descends easy ground onto the mountain's broad northeast spur. Follow this for about 500m before bearing left into the shallow scoop of An Reidh-choire (to avoid steep ground at the end of the NE spur). Roughly following the Allt an Reidh-choire, descend to the Abhainn Loch na h-Oidhche. The burn is best crossed just downstream from the loch outflow, where an island splits the channel. There are traces of a bridge, long gone, but the stepping stones that replaced it are usually sufficient. However in spate this burn may be hard or even impossible to cross, requiring a big detour. In wet weather or after snowmelt it might be advisable to walk this route in the reverse direction so that you don't end up cut off at this point!

NG8856666875 Having joined the main Loch na h-Oidhiche track, follow it north. At 1km there's another crossing of the Abhainn Loch na h-Oidhche, again via stepping stones. If the first ford proved an issue then this will too. After this, it's just a long stride out on the stony track.

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